Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spring Photo Mish Mash

With the warmer weather, Ian has really enjoyed venturing outside. A side effect of the occasional rainstorm is that it's now pointless to clean the bottom two feet of our windows.

Ian expresses his more serious side in his playground also known as our kitchen.

Grandma sent Ian some Easter cheer, and he loved his giraffe basket! At first, he would crawl up to it, and gently kiss its nose.

Then his affection became a little more aggressive.

We ventured over to Spokane to celebrate Easter, and Ian enjoyed his first Easter egg hunt at Manito Country Club.

He eyed the eggs and prepared himself mentally for the challenge ahead.

As you can see, the competition was fierce. However, Ian's cousin Savannah played very nice.

And they're off! Sadly, 5 seconds later before any eggs could be reached, his shoe fell off, he fell down, and started crying for Da Da. And so ended his first Easter egg hunt.

The dowel for locking our screen door sometimes makes its way out for a good demonstration in mixed martial arts. The sippy cup makes a deadly combination. Robbers beware.

Another favorite pass time is to grab anything in each hand, walk around the house, and wave them wildly in the air. Today, it happened to be diaper wipes.

Never a dull moment.

Rick and Lisa came up for the weekend, so we spent some time touring the zoo and Whidbey Island. The below is from the grass fields at Fort Casey. With our regular wide-angle lens broken, I was relegated to the zoom lens. I had to stand about 6 miles away to get some shots, but Ian helped out by being extra cute.

Though just a bit chilly with the ocean air blowing in from Admiralty Inlet, it was nice to get some time in the sun.

Ian and Rick horsing around.

Laura, these two pictures are for you. There's a great lighthouse there with a nice museum regarding the history of Fort Casey. Next time you visit, we'll add it to our itinerary.

Before we headed back to the car, Ian though it would be fun to sample some of the local vegetables before Mom could swoop in to stop him.

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