Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pictures of the Little One

First of all, please accept my apologies for not posting pictures sooner. We've been getting settled in here at home and are slowly coming back to normal life. We had an appointment this morning to double check on Ian's jaundice, but everything checked out OK and we were sent back on our way.

We've finally got some pictures...

Jackie on Wednesday morning at the very beginning of the induction.

As the induction didn't result in any activity until Thursday morning, we woke up in the hospital with the below view from our room.

Linda and Andy assisting as the pushing is under way.

Ian in the warming bassinet about 2 minutes after birth.

Andy trying to calm Ian down.

Andy, Ian, and Dr. Brown who delivered Ian. Great work doc!

Andy, Ian, Dr. Brown, and Linda.

Ian and Jackie saying hi to each other.

30 hours of labor? Worth every minute!

The little dude all swaddled up.

Dave and Ian getting to know each other.

The Watsons and the Van Inwegens.

The little guy napping in the hospital.

These are the booties that Linda's grandmother bought for her children to wear home from the hospital, and all four wore them home. Ever since, the tradition has been passed along for the same booties to carry home each of Linda's grandchildren. Ian makes the 10th person to be so honored.

Jackie and her son all cuddled up after lunch.

Ian napping at home.

Ian showing his pouty lips.

Its a BOY!!

Ian Charles Van Inwegen was born at 1:09 PM on Thursday, February 26th. Ian weighed 7 pounds 5 ounces and 20 inches long. It was a very long labor (30 hours) but everything turned out great. We came home on Friday evening and are just getting settled at home today (Saturday). Ian is doing great and training us on to run on little sleep and lots of snuggling. We will post pictures as soon as we get them downloaded. Thank you to everyone for your thoughts, prayers, calls, etc. We are a little slow to get back to everyone but we will shortly.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Now That's What I'm Talking About

The plan last night was to give Jackie some medicine to help her sleep and see how things look in the morning. Both Jackie and I got a great night's sleep, all things considered. Around 4 AM, her contractions escalated. Around 6 AM, her water broke on it's own. By 8 AM, the contractions were intense and she was really feeling some pain.

With all of the snowfall up here, a lot of this morning's surgeries were canceled. Our nurse rounded up an anesthesiologist from the OR and was able to get Jackie nice and comfortable by 9:15. After two minutes with the anesthesiologist, Jackie asked if he got a lot of marriage proposals or gifts from women. Clearly his magic was working.

She's resting now and gearing up for an exciting afternoon and evening. We'll keep you posted on our progress, but things are looking much better today than they did all day yesterday and last night.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wait and See

After 14 hours' worth of pitocin, we've only seen moderate effects. Jackie is getting some rest tonight and will continue receiving the inducing medications. We'll check back in with the doctor in the morning at which point we'll either get a c-section or go home to try again in a few days. Wish us luck.

Baby Steps

Jackie is doing great and the contractions are getting stronger. It will probably be a really long night, but I'm told we can expect a lot of those over the next few weeks. Thanks for keeping her and Baby Van in your thoughts and prayers.

Settling In

We checked into the hospital this morning and are all settled in. We were told we were quite lucky to get in considering how busy the birthing center has been. Most call-in's on Wednesday wouldn't get a room until Thursday night, so we're very pleased to have been ushered in immediately.

Jackie is resting and feeling great. Contractions are kicking in now, but we've still got several hours before things get really serious. I'll try and keep updates coming when I get a chance.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ready Or Not...

We call the hospital tomorrow morning at 6 AM to verify our induction time. As Baby Van is a week overdue, the grandparents are coming to town, and Jackie is slowly turning into an angry kung fu panda, let's hope the induction goes smoothly. Get ready for the thunder!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Due Date Plus 4

As the magic of childbirth continues to elude us, we've been walking. Our weekend consisted of endless walking, eating spicy food, and the other things one does to induce labor. Did I mention we went walking?

Below are a few shots from our walk in Snoqualmie on Saturday.

There are many punch lines to this one, so I'll list a few of them out.
1. I don't think this is what our doctor meant by pushing.
2. Jackie found a new tool for helping her during labor.
3. Pregnancy hormones clearly have given her superhuman strength.

On Sunday, we walked around Alki. Jackie doesn't really look pregnant, let alone 4 days past her due date.

A rowboat out in the Sound. This is the one thing Jackie didn't try to induce labor. Maybe next time.

A tug heading home.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Due Dates Come, Due Dates Go

We are due date + 1 and no baby. Apparently Baby Van decided it's comfy in there and no need to come out (like mother like child). As of yesterday, not much progress had been made to indicate that anything would be happening anytime soon. So we sit and wait. House is clean, nursery is done, bags are packed, car seats in the car. So we again sit and wait...and answer the phone, our email, and all our facebook questions that no baby has arrived.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Look Back

With Baby Van's due date approaching quickly (Wednesday 2/18), I thought it would be a good time to take a look back.




Wednesday, February 11, 2009

1 Week To Go

We had another checkup today, and everything is progressing normally. Slowly now, but normal. And normal is great. So, we continue to play the waiting game. Should Baby Van decide to hang out too long, then Jackie is scheduled to be induced on Wednesday, 2/25. Who knows if it will come to that, but it's nice to have an end in sight. And the end is only the beginning!
More shower pictures courtesy of Ashley...
Reid, Becky, and Keaton.

Julie, Khalil, and Jacob Khoury.

Babysitter Ashley, and her buddy Liam.

Cory and Reid. Hang on tight Reid. It's a long way down.

Loren and Liam. Liam pondering the meaning of life.

JD and Keaton.
Jami, Cory, Becky, JD, Keaton, Jackie, Andy, and an angry Reid.
A diaper cake that took countless hours to make.
Kassio and Dillon enjoying his juice.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Baby Van wanted to share pictures of his/her friend, Ryleigh. Blogspot also apparently doesn't like the idea of adding blogs that are not blogspots so its being added in a post instead of a link:

Ryleigh decided she wanted the enter the world a little on the early side so she is about 5 weeks old and still 4 weeks from her original due date but she is going strong.